Curriculum Vitae :
Computer Science and Engineering, B.Tech
Email :n130331 AT
Objective :
To get a career opportunity which would help me to utilize my academic background, knowledge and skills, utilize given opportunity effectively for professional growth and to contribute in the best way for the betterment of the organization and self.
EducationalQualifications :
** B.Tech(CSE) Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Nuzvid 2015-2019 7.46 First Class
** PUC Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies ,Nuzvid 2013-2015 6.91 Second Class
** SSC Z.P.H.S Ramasingavaram 2013 9.7 Distinction
TechnicalSkills :
Programming Languages : C, Java
Scripting Languages : JavaScript, PHP, Web Designing, HTML, CSS
Databases : MYSQL
Operating Systems : Windows, Linux, Ubuntu
ProjectDetails :
Mini Project 1 :
Title : Tic Tac Toe
TeamSize : 3
Technologies Used :Java
Project Supervisor :Mrs. S. Bhavani
Mini Project 2 :
Title : Maze Runner
Team Size : 3
Technologies Used : Java
Project Supervisor : Mrs. S. Bhavani
Summer Internship :
Title : Library Management System
Description : Library Management system using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MYSQL
Technologies Used : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MYSQL
Project Supervisor : Mr.
R. Upendar Rao
Final Year Project :
Title : Personality Detection Using CNN Algorithm.
Technologies Used : CNN Algorithm.
b]Duration : Jan 2019 – May 2019
Description : Detecting the personality of the authors and calculating the five big traits values from the Documents by using the CNN Algorithm.
Participation&PresentationsinTechnicalEventsandTrainingprograms :
** Participated in Computer Networks workshop conducted by RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid in 2018.
** Secured India wide 56th percentile in Wheebox Employability Skills Test.
** Active Member in NSS unit in RGUKT IIIT Nuzvid.
Extra&Co-CurricularActivities :
** Participated as Volunteer in National level Techfest Techzite-2k18 and Teckzite- 2k19.
** Participated in Vanam Manam Movement held by CM. Chandra Babu Naidu in 2017 in Ap.
PersonalInformation :
Father’s Name : Doppasani Naga Pothuraju
Languages Known : Telugu, English
Declaration :
I, Doppasani Swathi hereby declare that all the above mentioned information is corrected upto my knowledge and belief, I bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above mentioned particulars.
Place :
Date :