Name: konda srinu
Mobail number: 8639900707
Personal address: kothapet Hyderabad
JOB OBJECTIVES:. To apply my self to the best my abilites and knowledge and to non tribute a fast track growth of organizations thought the process of continuous learning and to grab a good position in marketing Felid
*Highly organized and dedicated with possitive attitude
*Able to handle multi task under pressure
* Time management
NAL QUALIFICATION S.S.C:. with 60%from vijgnana vardhini High schoo in academic year 2010-2011
10+2:. With 66% Nalandha junior college in academic year 2011-2013
Degree:. With 66% Unity college of pharmacy in academic year 2013- 2017
Personal Details
Name: kondasrinu
Father name: konda shekar
Dete of birth: 04-07-1993
Material status: unmarried
Nationality: Indian
Languages:. Telugu English