Name : Sarvani Paruchuri
Email ID : sarvani4anu AT
Work Experience :
Jan – 2018 – Present :
Safety process associate at Vigimed Safe Private limited, Hyderabad
Dec - 2012 to May- 2013 :
Intern in R&D department at RA Chem Pharma Ltd Hyderabad.
Skills :
** Argus safety data base
** Pharmacovigilance
** MedDra
** Reporting criteria for different countries (India, US, EMA)
** Good pharmacovigilance practices (module - VI)
** E2b (Electronic transmission of individual case safety reports) case reports
Academics :
2006-2010 :
Bachelor of pharmacy from J.S.S College of pharmacy, Ooty
2011-2013 :
Master of pharmacy in Department of Pharmaceutical analysis and Quality assurance from Nimra College of pharmacy, Vijayawada.
Work Profile and Responsibilities :
** To enter and review ICSR detail regarding patient, event and drug information, medical history, associated lab data, reporter information in to safety data base
** To code drugs by using WHO medical dictionary
** To code adverse events, medical history, drug indications and lab data using MedDRA dictionary.
** To perform causality assessment relationship as per the cases.
** To evaluate case information as per the medical completeness.
** To write case narratives as per source document and medical judgment.
** To review and modify the necessary case data in accordance with applicable SOPs.
** Upgrade non-serious case to serious case following medical judgment.
** Upgrade reportability criteria of the case as per the convention.
** To keep a check on regulatory timeline for ICSR submission.
Extra-curricular activities :
** Actively participated in industrial tours
** Visited Dr.
Reddy’s laboratories ltd as a part of industrial visit on 6th and 7th January 2010
** Attended various seminars and presented various papers
** Presented paper (Design and evaluation of Buccal disintegrating tablets of Captopril) in IPA convention, Chennai as a co author
** Presented paper (Bio relevant dissolution methods and their applications in In-Vitro In-Vivo Correlations for oral formulations
** Participated in 2nd international conference on Pharmaceutical sciences, Technology, Practice & Natural health products in J.S.S college in pharmacy, Ooty
** Participated in International seminar on herbal drug research in J.S.S College of pharmacy, Ooty
Personal Details :
Father’s name - Paruchuri Venkata Ramprasad
Date of birth - 25-Dec-1988
Marital Status - Married
Husband’s name - Nukala Anupkumar
Profession - Manager - Operations, Operation Energygroup, Site -Shri Girija Alloys & Power India PVT LTD, (SGAPIPL), Peddapuram IDA, A.P
Languages Known - Telugu, English
Nationality - Indian
Hobbies - Drawing, Reading books
Declaration :
I hereby declare that the above given information are true and to the best of my knowledge.
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