Date of Birth :04/05/1974
Nationality : INDIAN
Contact No +919038055621(M)
Email debasis_barman AT
Masters in Civil Engineering (Specialisation in Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering), Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 1999 (India)
Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering, North Bengal University, West Bengal, 1997 (India)
Experience :
Position Held Senior Manager (Geotech)
Year April 2012 to till date
Activities Performed/Detailed Task Assigned
Working as Senior Manager (Geotech) & managing coordination for all type of geotechnical design related issues with DDC (Contractor’s consultant) & GC (Client’s consultant). Responsible for all geotechnical design reports checks, instrumentation data interpretation & resolving all geotechnical design problems between client & contractor. Presently handling Howrah Maidan & Howrah Station design issues, instrumentation issues and site related geotechnical problems. Solely responsible for all Geotechnical design & site related issues from contractor side.
Employer :Gammon India Ltd, Chennai Site Office (Chennai Metro Rail Project)
Position Held DGM (Civil)
Year Sep 2011 to March 2012
Activities Performed/ Detailed Task Assigned
Working as Station Manager for construction of Chennai Metro Rail project. Responsible for timely completion of stations as per the program, ensuring the safety and quality during the execution, effective coordination with design, MEP, Tunnel team & Govt authorities. Managing team of engineers & supervisors, handling subcontractors and keep close coordination with Client team. Handled mainly Utility Diversion works for construction of underground station box.
Geotechnical Engineer
Year July 2008 to Aug 2011
1. Tsuen Wan Drainage Tunnel, Hong Kong :
Activities Performed/ Detailed Task Assigned
Finite Element modelling and SCL temporary support design for 5km, 6.5m ID drainage tunnel, inlet caverns and access adits in mixed ground conditions. Numerical analysis of tunnels at critical stretches based on rock cover, identifying the critical parameters for design, identifying the zones of potential failures, planning excavation sequences and providing numerical modelling inputs for design of tunnel linings. Analysis was also carried out on critical intersections with multiple openings to identify the potential failure zones in rock pillars between openings as part of this detailed design. All analyses were performed using Phase2 FE software.
2. A41 Expressway, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council :
Activities Performed/ Detailed Task Assigned
Checking capacity of bored piles under foundations of footbridge for both axial and uplift loadings.
Checking forces and movements in secant piled walls, supporting vertical walls in excavated areas using PLAXIS.
CAT II check of secant pile walls, steel sheet pile walls, Bridge foundation bearing capacity & settlement along different sections of Grade separation interchange.
3. Westbourne ParkCrossrail Project :
Activities Performed/
Detailed Task Assigned
Performed preliminary analysis of contiguous bored pile wall using WALLAP at different sections to evaluate stiffness, deflections of wall and predicting moments and forces in wall. Also performed detailed FEM analysis of wall sections at different retained heights using Plaxis. Detailed analysis of pile group using Repute software to support new gantry girder legs.
4.Tottenham Court Road Station Upgrade, Crossrail Project :
Activities Performed Geotechnical modelling of new SCL tunnels in London Clay for independent CAT III design checks. Finite Element analysis of complex crosssections comprising multiple new SCL tunnels, existing London Underground Tunnels and new deep excavations for ticket hall structures. Assessment of tunnelling induced ground movements and the impact of tunnelling on existing tunnels including existing cast ironlined escalator barrels. Analysis was carried out using Plaxis software to provide lining forces and moments for stability and structural lining checks.
5. Humber Gateway : Metmast (Seawind Group)
Activities Performed Analysis of Monopile supporting Met Mast for an offshore wind farm using ALP & LPILE softwares.
6. M1 widening scheme, Highways Agency :
Activities Performed Analysis of wall sections along highway alignment for different retained heights & options. Identifying geotechnical design parameters, methodology, risks and construction considerations. Preparing summary reports to assign geotechnical design parameters, forces & movements in wall sections along with preparation of risk register.
7. Liverpool Street Powerlink Crossrail project :
Activities Performed Geotechnical interpretation and Finite Element (FE) modelling of primary and secondary SCL support for the independent Category III design check on a new
SCL cable tunnel and shaft linking into existing underground infrastructure at
Liverpool Street Station. Numerical modelling was carried out using the Plaxis software to model the excavation and installation of SCL support in several stages and to assess the forces and moments exerted on primary and secondary support.
Analysis included consideration of the transmission of loading onto the sprayed lining against earlyage strength gain of the SCL as well as modelling of permanent
SCL support under longterm loading. Sprayed concrete linings for the shaft and tunnel are to be formed using steel fibre reinforced concrete.
8. Brogborough Lake lightweight fill embankent :
Activities Performed Carry out a back analysis of the side road embankment using the monitoring data available. Forward project the Plaxis model to provide a prediction of ongoing settlements after the surcharge has been removed and what affect any future movements would have on the adjacent piles.
9. Klang Valley MRT project (Red Line) :
Activities Performed Evaluation of the geotechnical parameters, listing the necessary assumptions and deciding the construction sequences for twin tunnels running parallel.
Outputs required from both of the Plaxis models are as follows :
Determining the minimum spacing that can be suitably achieved between the tunnels in both the cases stated above.
Evaluations of moments and forces that will act on/within the segmental concrete lining. Determination of deformation that occurs in the liners.
Determining forces in segmental concrete liners for different cases of tunnels excavation for variations in extent of ground cover, different zones of soil properties, fluctuating GWT position. Considering the impacts during tunnel excavation on existing tunnels, foundations for high rise buildings and Monorails.
Analysis of a big cavern excavation by NATM method providing sprayed concrete lining as primary support and castin situ lining as final support. The whole excavation sequences was analysed using Plaxis2D and necessary forces in liners were determined during intermediate stages of excavation.
Determining forces in sprayed concrete lining provided during excavation of crosspassages between underground stations.
10. Crossrail C121 – Independent Check (Bond Street Station/Liverpool Street Station/Limmo Shaft) :
Activities Performed Checking of the Sprayed Concrete Lining works for Platform Tunnels, Crossovers, Adits as part of the C121 package of the Crossrail Project. Design work for C121 is currently being carried out by consultants Mott MacDonald. The Category 3 check is undertaken to verify the adequacy of the design and proposed method of construction, and to confirm compliance with the relevant design standards (BS codes & Eurocode Standards).
KeyTasks :
1) Review of Conceptual Design Statement, Drawings, Specifications, and Durability Assessment Report.
2) Independent Design Analysis :
FEM analysis to adequately simulate the excavation along with the installation of the Sprayed Concrete Lining in different stages of construction (using NATM technique), 2D Finite Element (2DFE) analysis will be used.
2DFE analysis will be used to evaluate the interactions between the ground and the tunnel lining, as well as to assess the stability of the excavation boundary during construction stages. It will also be used to determine the axial forces, shear forces and bending moments within the Sprayed Concrete Primary and Secondary Lining.
3) Lining Structural Capacity Checks :
Lining sections and structural members are to be checked in accordance with the Crossrail Civil Engineering Design Standards (CRSTD303). All new linings and associated structures are to be checked using the Limit State Design Principle.
The structural capacity of the underground SCL structures will be calculated according to Euro Code 2 (EN1992 Design of Concrete Structures). Construction tolerances for tunnels to be used in assessing lining capacity will be taken from the latest revision of the BTS Specification for Tunnelling. The lining structural capacity will be checked using capacity limit curves using Axial Stress – Bending
4.Moment interaction diagrams. The Axial Stress and Bending Moment values will be obtained from the output data of FE software i.e. Phase2.
Position Held Geotechnical Engineer
Year Feb 2007 to July 2008
Activities Performed/ Detailed Task Assigned
Kameng Hydroelectric Project :
Review of failure on Powerhouse excavation cut slope and redesign of proposed slope stabilisation methodology by Slip circle analysis using SLOPE/W software. Also performed design of bored piles for slope stabilisation including preparation of design report and specifications.
Rhotang Pass Highway Tunnel :
Review of Geotechnical inputs for Numerical analysis on proposed Xsection of tunnel.
Srinagar Hydroelectric Project :
Preparation of slope stabilisation reports on cutting of proposed powerhouse slope, Preparation of spreadsheets for Plane wedge analysis and wedge analysis by SWEDGE software.
Preparation of slope stabilisation reports on cutting of proposed dam excavation cut slope, Preparation of spreadsheets for Plane wedge analysis and wedge analysis by SWEDGE software.
Numerical modelling and analysis SCL supported head race tunnel intake portals, transition, junctions and main tunnels. Design work included recommendations for excavation sequences and support recommendations with analysis carried out using Phase2 software.
Check of Slope cuts by SLOPE/W software for excavation profiles in construction areas.
Panan Hydroelectric Project :
Design of concrete liner of HRT tunnel for hydro project as per Bedded Beam model using STAAD PRO ’05.
Preparation of report on foundation improvement of CFRD dam using Vibroflotation method.
Employer : MOTT MACDONALD (INDIA) Pvt. Ltd
Year June’ 2006 TO Jan’ 07
Position Held Senior Engineer
Activities Performed/ Detailed Task Assigned
Luhri Hydroelectric Power Project, (700 MW) :
Preparation of estimation of HRT tunnels against different options of studies, preliminary cost analysis, and theoretical gaugedischarge curve, Energy calculations at 90% & 50% dependable year, preparations of tender documents for geotechnical investigations and topographic surveys. Construction planning & Schedule of tunnels regarding DPR preparations.
Middle Vaitarna Hydroelectric Power Project, (51 MW) :
Reviewal of feasibility report including cost analysis, power study and water availability.
Name of Project :Subansiri Lower H.E. Project.(2000 MW)
Year June’ 2001 TO May’ 2006
Position :Held Engineer
Activities :Performed/ Detailed Task Assigned Modelling, numerical analysis and design for SCL and insitu concrete linings to hydroelectric tunnels. Numerical
5. Analysis of junctions along pressure shaft with prediction of displacement values and extent of failure zones.
Analysis of displacement and prediction of plastic zones at junctions of surge chamber and head race tunnels using FLAC3D software. Analysis of displacement and prediction of plastic zones at junctions of twin underground head race tunnels in highly stressed regions.
Analysis and structural design of diversion tunnel inlet using bedded beam models.
Development of the excavation sequence and support measures for surge chamber along with design of necessary support. Analysis of excavation and support using FLAC and Phase 2 software.
Preparation of Finite Element models for underground caverns in weak rock. Interpretation of modelling results to develop optimum support design along with criteria to monitor deformations and extent of yielded mass. Analysis of excavation using FLAC and Phase 2 software.
Development of estimated quantities for excavation, insitu concrete, SCL, reinforcement and other support arrangements for a variety of underground structures.
Year May’ 1999 TO May’ 2001
Position Held Assistant Engineer
Activities Performed/ Detailed Task Assigned
Hinduja Thermal Power Plant
Supervision of Subsoil investigation including Rock drilling, Quality control works for earth filling and compaction. Conducting meeting with the client for approval of design and drawing
PanagarhPalsit Road Section (NH2)
Supervision of Subsoil investigation including Rock drilling
Investigation of existing pavement along with performance of insitu tests in sub grade, Pavement and
Materials report preparations,
Identification of borrow and quarry sites for new pavement construction,
Geotechnical calculations to check bearing capacity under open and deep foundations, High embankment design using Bishop’s method.
HVM Expressway
Supervision of Subsoil investigation including Rock drilling along the existing alignment of HVM Expressway.
MechadaHaldia Road Section (NH41)
Supervision of Subsoil investigation including Rock drilling
Investigation of existing pavement along with performance of insitu tests in sub grade, Pavement and Materials report preparations,
Identification of borrow and quarry sites for new pavement construction, Geotechnical calculations to check bearing capacity under open and deep foundations, High embankment design using Bishop’s method.
6. Environment & natural Resources Department
Mr David Adams, Associate, URS Scott Wilson (Birmingham)
Tunnelling Department
Email – david.adams AT
Mobile +44(0)7813029166
Mr David Hadley, Technical Director, URS Scott Wilson (Birmingham)
Email – david.hadley AT
Mobile +44(0)7825797163
Mr Naveen Jain, Senior Manager, NTPC India
Email : nkj_99 AT
Mobile + 919868395072
Mr Jurij Cadez, Designer, Manager,
GEOPORTAL d.o.o. , Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Email : jurij.cadez AT
Mobile + 386 (0) 51 392 570
Mr Roberto Moraes, Resident Geotechnical Engineer,
Email : rmoraes AT
Mobile +90 531 862 6396
Dr Nitin Som, Geotechnical Freelance Consultant
Email : nitin_som AT
Mobile +919830092899