Curriculam Vitae :
Email : vidhushasuresh AT
Age & DOB : 26 & 22/09/1989
Career Objective :
Seeking a position to utilize my skills and abilities in Information Technology industry that offers professional growth while being resourceful innovative and flexible.
Educational Qualification :
** ME (Computer Science and Engineering) Vinayaka Missions Kirupanandar Variyar Engineering College,Salem with 84% in 2010-2012
** BE (Computer Science and Engineering) Mahendra Engineering College,Namakkal.with 78% in 2006-2010.
** Schoolings Sri Saradha Vidhyalaya Girls Higher Secondary School, Salem.
Experience :
Worked as Assistant Professor in CSE department and Placement Training coordinator for Placement and Training Cell from June’12 to Nov’16 for a period of 3.10 years in Gnanamani Educational Institutions.
Behavioral Skills :
Good leadership ability, Adaptability, Self motivated and interested in over all development.
Skill Set :
Platforms : Windows 9x / XP
Languages : C,C++.
IDEs : Net Beans.
Packages : Rational Suite Enterprise
Back End : Ms Access & Oracle
Design Language : Unified Modeling Language
Web Based : HTML, XML
Papers Handled :
Theory of computation, Computer Graphics, Software Engineering, Testing, Data structures, Design and Analysis of Algorithm, Cloud computing, Network Security, Operating systems, Mobile computing, Computer practices.
List of Journals/Papers :
1.Presented a paper”Cloud computing” in VMKV Engineering college in national conference on” Recent trends in advanced computing “ held on 11-03-11.
2.Published a paper “Security enhancing technologies for biometric systems” in “International journal of emerging technologies in computer science and electronics Vol :14 Issue:1-April’15.
3.Presented a paper “Data Perturbation secure and efficiency query retrieval in cloud storage system using erasure code system on national conference on NAC-CISS’15 in sona college of technology.
4.Presented a paper in cybercrime security in national conference on computing technologies and research on 30.05.11 at MIT,Tiruchengode.
5.Published a paper in”A scheduling cloud environment for collaborative computing systems in MVM in International journal of emerging technologies in computer science and electronics Vol :13 Issue:2 March’15.
6.Presented a paper titled “Scheduling cloud environment for collaboration computing systems in MVM in Dr.Pauls Engineering College in 20.03.15.
7.Published a journal “Trusted security model in wireless sensor network using tarf” in IOSR Journal of Engineering Vol :3 Issue:4 April’13.
8.Presented a paper “Trust evaluation based security in wireless sensor network”in DRDO sponsored national conference “SIAC-2013” in Erode sengunthar engineering college on 16.03.13.
9.Presented a paper “Bio-Spoof detection, detection of spoofing in a bio metric secured system in INSA sponsored national conference in vivekandha College of Engineering for women on 12.09.14
10.Presented a paper on “Cloud computing in national conference at VMKVEC on 09.03.12
11.Presented “Improving utilization of infrastructure clouds in IET” organized by GCT on 03-02-12.
Published a journal “Abnormal psychology and maladaptive behavior exists everywhere, does it influence society “in IJARSE Vol :4 Issue 01 March’15.
12.Presented a paper in “Abnormal psychology and maladaptive behavior exists everywhere, does it influence society “on Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 15-03-15.
Workshops and Training :
1. Undergone mini project on” Online banking system through tomcat using HTML and JAVA for 2 months from ALAQ technologies from 01-05-09 to 10-06-09.
2. Participated in 2 week ISTE STTP on Introduction to design of algorithm from IIT Kharagpur and secured grade A.
3. Participated in 2 days workshop on “Explore the world of networking” at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College on 30, 31 July’13.
4. Participated in women entrepreneurship workshop held on 11-08-14 in GEI.
5. Attended faculty training programme from 16.06.14 to 21.06.14 in GEI.
6. Undergone training programme cum workshop” Training of Trainers” by NTTF from 14-05-12 to 18-05-12.
7. Participated in 2 week ISTE workshop conducted by IITB from 20.05.14 to 21.06.14.
8. Participated in “New faculty induction programme” by CII Erode zone on 27.07.13.
Extracurricular Awards & Activities :
1. Participated in “Peer Education Training” for school AIDS Education Programme 2004-05.
2. Participated in Marathon 2015 for the cause of Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam’s birthday remembrance.
3. Participated in Engineering & Science Innovation Summit conducted by NI India.
4. Conducted faculty development program and Ethical hacking workshops.
5. Organizer for the national creativity aptitude test IITD for the years ‘13,’14.
6. Had 2 days soft skills development 2015 for final year students at Sri Vidhya Mandir Arts and Science College Uthangarai, Krishnagiri.
Co Curricular Activities :
ISTE LM 92064
Got I in internal assessment exam –Technical English in MEC .
Undergone C#.Net training in Bharath Engineering Academy for 10days.
Personal Details :
Father’s name : Mr.S.Suresh Kumar
Mother’s name : Mrs.Komala
Languages Known : English, Tamil , Malayalam.
Nationality : Indian
Date :
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