Suraj Balu Anuse
Address : Shri Sai hsg. Society, Walhekarwadi, Akurdi, Pune. Pin: 411033
Mobile : +91-705762877 surajanuse121 AT
Career Objective :
To acquire a challenging position in a reputed organisation where I could use my designing, hard working and creative skills for the growth of the organization with quality services.
Personal Details :
Father’s Name : Balu Shrirang Anuse
Date of Birth : 13/10/1995
Languages Known : English, Hindi, Marathi
Hobbies : Drawing, painting, sports, listening music.
Educational Qualifications :
** T.E. 2015 - 2016 Dr. D. Y. Patil college of Engineering, Akurdi, Pune-044 72.4
** S.E. 2014 - 2015 63.4 F.E. 2013 - 2014 67.8 Aggregate : 67.78%
** H.S.C 2012-13 A.K.Jr. College of Science, Atpadi 76.33%
** S.S.C 2010-11 Navi Mumbai High school, Vashi 94.18%
Key Skills :
** MS CIT 2011
** Good knowledge of basic computers, MS office.
** Good problem solving skills.
** Excellent knowledge of core subjects.
** Basic knowledge of Auto CAD.
Co-Curricular Activities :
Projects : Title Year Description Pedestrian Level of Service B.E.
** The main aim of the project is to find the Pedestrian capacity and level of service, study for providing better facilities for sidewalks and crosswalks.
Rubber Dam T.E.
** The main aim of this mini project is to study the salient differences between rubber dam and concrete dam, its applications, importance, operation etc. Extra-Curricular Activities ** Second topper of the Civil department.
** Achieved ‘A’ grade in intermediate grade examination.
** Second topper of the NHMS in SSC.
Personal Skills :
** Ability to create friendly environment in a group.
** Good Leadership
** Hard working.
** Quick learner.
Declaration :
I hereby declare that the above mentioned information is genuine and true to the best of my knowledge.
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