I have total seven and half years professional experiences in the different fields of Diagnostic Radiology. After obtaining my fellowship from Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dhaka, Bangladesh on Radiology and Imaging, I have been working in different tertiary care hospitals in different posts from junior consultant to associate consultant in Bangladesh and abroad. I have independent ability to report and interpret CT scan, CT angiography, PET scan, Virtual Colonoscopy, MRI, MRA, MRCP, X-ray (plain and contrast), USG (TVS, TAS), Doppler USG, and Mammography at any places in any circumstances. I have keen interest in working in interventional radiology.
Level of different skills : [Post graduate experience after obtaining fellowship]
Skill Name Skill level Last Used Professional experience :
Diagnostic imaging Expert Currently used 7.5 years
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Expert Currently used 7.5 years
Computerized tomography (CT) scans Expert Currently used 7.5 years
CT angiography Expert Currently used 7.5 years
Virtual Colonoscopy Expert Currently used 7.5 years
Ultrasounds Expert Currently used 7.5 years
X-rays Expert Currently used 7.5 years
Film evaluation Expert Currently used 7.5 years
Fluoroscopy procedures Expert Currently used 7.5 years
Mammography Expert Currently used 7.5 years
PET scan Expert Currently used One year
Professional experience : (1st is most recent)
Experiences after obtaining post graduate degree : (Total Six years; 1st July 2005 to till)
1. As Senior Specialist, Department of Radiology, Sultan Qaboos Hospital, Salalah, Sultanate of Oman from 1st August to 15 December 2012
2. As an Associate Consultant, Department of Radiology and Imaging in the United Hospital Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh from 1st January 2010 to 31 July 2012
3. As a Specialist Radiologist, Department of Radiology and Imaging in the United Hospital Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh from 15.04.2007 to 31st December 2009.
4. As a Consultant Radiologist (Jr.) , Department of Radiology and Imaging in LabAid Specialist Hospital, Bangladesh from 01.06.2006 to 14.04.2007.
5. As a Consultant Radiologist (Jr.) in Unatta Bangladesh, Dhaka from 01.07.2005 to 31.05.2006
Experience before post graduate degree : (Approximately eight years; 24th August 1997 to 30th June 2005)
6. Three years experience as a full time Residential Training on Radiology and Imaging from 01.07.2002 to 30.06.2005 at the Department of Radiology and Imaging, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Shahbagh, Dhaka 1000.
7. As a Medical officer of different private clinics and private organizations from 24.08.1998 to 31.06.2002.
8. One year Internship training in Mymensingh Medical College Hospital from 24.08.1997 to 23.08.1998
Educational qualification :
Degree obtained College/University Name Year Division Remark :
Secondary School certificate (SSC) Ideal High School/ Dhaka Board 1987 1st division Obtained more than 90.75 % marks
Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Begum Badrunnessa Govt. Girl’s College/ Dhaka Board 1989 1st division Obtained more than 86.5% marks
MBBS Mymensingh Medical College under Dhaka University May 1997 Pass Passed in single attempt
Fellow of College of Physicians and Surgeons [FCPS] (Radiology and Imaging) Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dhaka July 2005 Pass Passed in single attempt
Fellow of the Royal college Radiologists (FRCR) Part 1 The Royal college of Radiologists, UK Summer 2006 Pass Passed in single attempt
FRCR Part 2A The Royal college of Radiologists, UK Spring 2007 Pass Passed in single attempt
Training programmes :
1. Internship training :
Duration and place of training :
One year Internship training from 24.08.1997 to 23.08.1998 at Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Mymensingh.
Nature and credential of the training :
This training was full time residential and medium of training was English. After completion of this training I obtained Internship certificate.
Main course of study during internship period :
One year training was whole time and residential basis contains practical management of all types of patients of Medicine and Gynaecology & Obstetrics departments. Active participation in different academic activities like Medical Seminar, Workshop, Scientific meetings and Symposium was also the part of this training programme. This training was conducted under direct supervision of Professor/ Associate Professors of respected departments.
2. Residential training on Radiology and Imaging :
Total duration : Three years from 01.07.2002 to 30.06.2005
Place : Department of Radiology and Imaging, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University.
Nature and credential of the training :
This training was full time residential and medium of training was English. After completion of this training I obtained Honorary training certificate on Radiology and Imaging.
Main course of study during training period :
This three years training on clinical radiology was whole time and residential basis involves all aspects of medical imaging that provide information about anatomy, function and disease states, and those aspect of interventional radiology or minimally invasive therapy which fall under the remit of departments of clinical radiology.
The framework for this training was consisted of rotations which gave appropriate experience in the areas identified below.
Breast imaging, gastrointestinal imaging, head and neck imaging including ear, nose and throat, and dental, musculoskeletal and trauma imaging, neuroradiology, obstetric imaging and gynaecological imaging, thoracic imaging, uroradiology, vascular imaging including intervention, paediatric imaging, radionuclide radiology, and oncological imaging.
The core knowledge for each system –based module includes physics, detailed radiological anatomy and techniques.
Technique-based subspecialties (X-ray, CT, MRI, USG, interventional and radionuclide radiology) are incorporated within each system-based module.
Active participation in different academic activities like Medical Seminar, Workshop, Scientific meetings and Symposium was also the part of this training programme. This training was conducted under direct supervision of Professors of respected department.
Publications : Total 12
Indexed journal :
1. Rahman MH, Islam MA, Maksuda Mannan, Bhuiyan MR, Paul BK. Uroflowmetry before and after transurethral resection of prostate for bladder outlet. Mymensingh Medical Journal2010;19(4) :601-608
2. Salek KM, Mannan M, Chowdhury AZ, Haque MA, Kaiser MS, Nabi S et al. Comparison between ultrasound and plain X-ray in evaluation the cause of shoulder pain. Mymensingh Medical Journal 2010;20(1) :16-21
3. Salek AKM, Mamum MAA, Haque MA, Mannan M, Ali E, Islam S et al. Serum triglyceride level in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with or without frozen shoulder. Bangladehs Med Res Counc Bull 2010;36 :43-46
4. Chowdhury AZ, Siddiquee AHMH, Kaiser MS, Arifeen KMN, Haque MA, Mannan M et al. Evaluation of primary total hip arthroplasty by cemented prosthesis in secondary osteoarthritis of the hip joint. Mymensingh Med J 2012 Jul; 21(3) :503-8.
5. Mannan M, Bashar MA, Mohammad J, Momenuzzaman NAM, Haque MA, et al. Comparison of coronary CT angiography with conventional coronary angiography in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease. Bangladehs Med Res Counc Bull (press)
6. Rajib SFA, Mannan M, Biswas AK, Al-Amin Z, Ahsan AI, Dey BK et al. Clinical, biochemical and Radiological features of primary hyperthyroidism due to adenoma- A retrospective study. Mymensingh Medical J (accepted for publication)
Non-Indexed local journal :
1. Mannan M, Bashar MA, Haque MA, Mamun MAA, Bhuiyan MR, Rahman SM et al. Various types of Thalassaemia in association with bony changes and cholelithiasis-a prospective study of 50 cases. Bangladesh Journal of Radiology and Imaging 2006;14(1) :10-14
2. Sarathy PM, Salahuddin MF, Aminul MIJ, Shahryar N, Quamrul SMA, Maksuda M. Comparative study of Doppler guided haemorrhoidal artery ligation and Milligan-Morgan procedure in the management of third degree haemorrhoid. Journal of Surgical Sciences 2009;13 :101-106
3. Joarder MAI, Rahman MH, Khan ZR, Arifeen KMN, Haque MA, Mannan M et al. Gall Bladder stones and carcinoma gall bladder. Journal of Surgical Sciences 2010; 4(2) :62-65
4. Haq K, Chowdhury SF, Mannan M, Ivy R, Tasnim KS. Transvaginal ultrasonography in the diagnostic method for evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding. Journal of Shahid Suhrawardy Medical College 2009;1(1)11-13
5. Faruque MS, Arifeen KMN, Joarder MAI, Haque MA, Akther SMQ, Mannan M et al. Pattern of visceral injury in abdominal trauma in a tertiary hospital in Bangladesh. Sir Salimullah Medical College Journal 2010;18(1) :7-10
6. Paul BK, Haque MA, Biswas A, Bhuiyan MR, Mamun MAA, Mannan M et al. Domestic violence against men in a tribal community, Bangladesh. Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine 2009;28(2) :1-5
Research Grant awarded :
Title of research : Comparison of coronary CT angiography with conventional coronary angiography in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease
Funded year : 2008
Funding authority : Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dhaka (Under HNPSP project of the Ministry of Health, Government of Bangladesh)
Computer Knowledge :
Operating System : Windows-98/XP
Word Processing : Microsoft Word
Spreadsheet : Microsoft Excel
Presentation : Microsoft PowerPoint
Statistical Package : SPSS 11.5-15
Proficiency of Language :
Language Mother Tongue Read Write Speak Understand
Bengali Yes Easily Easily Easily Easily
English No Easily Easily Easily Easily
Avocations and Interests : Photography, Graphics, Rabindra song
Membership :
Life member of the Bangladesh Society of Radiology and Imaging, Bangladesh
Member of the Bangladesh Medical Association
I am a Bangladeshi Radiologist having near about 8 years practical experience after post graduation degree. I have extensive knowledge in reporting X-ray, Contrast X-ray, Mammogram,USG, USG guided small intervension, CT scan, MRI and PET CT reporting. I want to know whether I have any chance to get a job in your hospital and if yes how can I proceed-