Ramu Palitham,
6-1-890, sv.ganeshwara building,
Mobile : +919652204698
Email : ramu.palitham123 AT gmail.com
Career Objective :
To make a sound position in the corporate world and work enthusiastically in a team to achieve a goal of the organization with devotion and hard work.
Educational Qualification :
** B-Tech (ECE) 2016 66.8 J.N.T.U-HYD
** XIIth 2012 89.6 Board of Intermediate
** Xth 2010 88.6 Board of Secondary Education
Technical Proficiency :
** Languages : Core java, Advanced java,
** Database : MYSQL.
** Tools : Eclipse.
Project Details :
Project Title : Denoising and Enhancement of an extremely low-light video.
Software Requirement : MATLAB 7.14 version R2012.
Hardware Requirements : Pentium Dual Core 2.00Ghz Processor and 2GB RAM.
Project Description : Over the last several decades, there have been substantial improvements in modern digital cameras including resolutions and sensitivity. Despite these improvements, quality of videos in low-light conditions is still limited. The proposed method, which is improved from the previous work is aimed to develop a novel framework to enhance video from extremely low-light environments.
Certification :
I am currently undergoing training from TALENT SPRINT for Pro Java course.
Bank Project using CORE JAVA.
Objective :
Making of new accounts and performing withdrawals, deposit, transfer and displaying current balance.
Soft Skills :
Training regarding how to work in Corporate World with standards, rules, discipline and subject knowledge.
Extra-Curricular Activities :
** Participated in design and implementation of the multi-utility timer at GNITC, HYDERABAD, conducted by PGP Electronics.
** Successfully completed the project of four-way traffic light system using embedded systems.
** Won First prize at inter-school Quiz competition.
Competencies :
** Ability to work in a team.
** Good, Logical and Communicating skills.
** Can easily adapt to different situations.
Personal Details :
** Father’s Name : P. Sathyanarayana.
** Date of Birth : 13-06-1995.
** Languages known : Telugu, English, and Hindi.
** Interests : sports, knowing some interesting facts.
Declaration :
I hereby declare that the above-furnished information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief
Date :
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