Curriculum Vitae :
Vupputuri Venkatesh
(M) +919603140132
E-mail : venkateshvupputuri AT
Career Objective :
To work with an Organizationwhere I can utilize and apply my knowledge, skills which would enable me to grow professionally while fulfilling organizational goals.
Academics :
B.Tech MECH JB Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad JNTUH 70% 2016
DIPLOMA MECH Vjay Rural Polytechnic College SBTET 71.73% 2013
X Class Smag vidyaniketan School School of Secondary education 81.67% 2010
TechnicalSkills :
** Operating System : Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8
** software packages : Pdms (pipeing),Tekla Structures 21
Mini Project Details :
PROJECT TITLE : “Non Destructive Testing And Machining Process”
DESCRIPTION : Learned About co-ordinate measuring machine which is Used to Measure The Dimensions Products. Observed the working of CNC machine. And also material testing machines.
Major project :
u>: Designing and Fabrication of Coconut Dehusking
DESCRIPTION : The machine is used to remove the husk present on Coconut.
Co-Curricular & Extracurricular Activities :
** Participated in workshops like, Robotics, IC engines
** participated in CLIQUE by EEE department in JBIET
** Had Done Project On “Hydraulic Disc Braking System" In Diploma.
** Completed Industrial Training at Classic Paper Mill.
** Actively participated in various sports events held in college.
Personal Information :
Name : Vupputuri Venkatesh
Father’s Name : Vupputuri Krishna
Languages known : English, Telugu, Hindi
Hobbies : Collecting of coins, Watching T.V, And Surfing Internet.
Strengths : Positive Attitude, Self Motivation.
Address : Qtr no:- A-20, Typ-IV, C.G.S colony, ektha vihar, nerul, navi-mumbai
I hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief
Place : Hyderabad.
Date :
V.Venkatesh Curriculum Vitae