Seeking suitable position in challenging and competitive work atmosphere where my skills can best be applied whilst learning and growing mutually.
Currently Working For IDS Softwares Pvt. Ltd. As Executive Administration
From September 26th 2011 To Till Date
March 16th 2009 to September 10th 2011 As a Security Supervisor.
5th January 2007 to 28th February 2009 As a Field Officer.
November 4th 2003 to 29th December 2006 As a Service Coordinator.
April 63rd 2001 to 12th September 2003 As a House Keeping .
As Admin Executive My Duties & Responsibilities
1. Maintaining the Security's - Checking there grooming,uniform, all incoming out going material movement records, & Checking all records.
2. Maintaining the Drivers – Assigned them the pick up & drop details & Checking the trip sheet.
3. Maintaining the Housekeeping – Keeping the office area is clean & in order on time & Purchase of housekeeping material,Maintaining the attendances record.
4. Maintaining the Office assistants – Assigned them the work according with there regular work.
5. Maintaining the front office – Visitor movement,Board line handling,Maintaining incoming & out going courier.
6. Maintaining the other things like, processing all Admin related bills,business cards,Tickets & Stationery ordering & Maintaining Records,Maintaining the admin MIS,Maintaining the DG,UPS,EPABX & General maintenance like Plumbing work,Carpenter work,Electrical work.
As a Security Supervisor-Handling Gust, Visitor, Client’s movement, Maintaining Registers & records of All Material movement Employees movement ,Maintaining office Stationery & housekeeping Material Stocks, Maintenance Pest control,Maintaining All in Coming Courier out Going Courier's.
Checking the Xerox Bills, Checking the Transport bills. Checking the house keeping and pantry bills,Handling All Front Office Operation. .
As a Security Supervisor (IN FRONT OFFICE) Answering calls and transferring them to the concerned person, maintaining Trunk Call Reports, MIS Reports, Seating Report for the location.
As a Field Officer my duties was to visit the client place & check what kind of cleaning services the client is looking for,Give the quotation for the same & with the work order get work completed on time.
As a Service Coordinator my duties was to visit the assigned client place & check the problem in the EPABX & solve the problem, Installing new Panasonic EPABX & PROJECTOR,Terminating both the ends, Maintaining the MDF chart & EXTN list.
As a Housekeeping supervisors my duties was to ensure that all rooms, lobby & public area is clean & in order, Inspecting work area every one hour,Assigned duties to all housekeeping boys, Train the new housekeeping boys & Having a regular inventories & reports on the stock.
Qualifcation : BA
Special skill's : fire operation fire
Sport’s : participation in kabbide south zone {1998}
Languages kown : english, hindi, kannada, tamil&telgu
Declaration :
I will work to the best of my ability to fullfillyour expectations &i assure you sir, that i will contribute my innate qualities for the Betterment of your concernt. I hierby declare that the information furnished above is true to The best of my knowledge.
Place : bangalore
Date :