Sujata Naik
Mobile :+91-8951478586
E-Mail:sujata.ssn AT
Career Summary :
** Total experience 4+ years.
** 2+ years experience as a developer
** 2 + years experience with ASP.NET
** 2+ years working with SQL Server (2005/2008)
** Understanding of object-oriented programming (OOP) and computer science foundation knowledge of the .NET 3.5/4.0 Framework, including Visual Studio 2008, ASP.NET
** Experience in writing SQL queries.
** Strong documentation skills.
** Experience in developing windows based applications (WINFORMS).
** Strong Object Oriented concepts for software design and implementation (C# Dotnet).
** Experience in building secured applications.
** Ability to quickly learn new concepts and software is necessary
Certifications :
** Completed Dot Net & Oracle course certified by NIIT, Bangalore
Technical Summary :
Operating System : Win 2003/2007
Package : MS Office
Programming Languages : C, C#, ASP.Net
Web and windows Technologies : ADO.Net
Markup Languages : HTML, XML
Tool Kit : Visual Studio 2008/2010
Database : SQL Server, MS Access
Employment History :
Working in Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS), DRDO Bangalore Since March 2013 as dot net developer
Academic Details :
** Diploma in Computer Science & Engg from RNS Polytechnic, Murdeshwar affiliated to Department of technical education, Bangalore (Karnataka).
** PUC from RNS College, Murdeshwar affiliated to Department of Pre-University Education, Karnataka.
** SSLCfrom Janata Vidyalaya Murdeshwar affiliated to Karnataka Secondary Education Board.
Key Projects Undertaken :
Project 1 : IRS Generator
IRS Generator is a GUI based application which is developed using C# Dot net 4.0.
It is used both in WPF and win form capabilities of Dot net framework. The database used is Microsoft Access.
Description :
This project involves the development of a IRS message browser which can be used to add, edit new Interfaces and IRS messages. This software can be used for comparison of versions of the same IRS interfaces. Also option is provided to covert the IRS messages and commands into a word document.
Roles & Responsibilities :
1. To develop a professional UI.
2. To write provide permissions in the GUI for admin users and guest users.
3. To implement a DB design, write stored procedures to access data.
4. Fill up the database with the existing IRS messages.
5. Implemented the Modify module of IRS Generator Application.
6. Implemented the Delete module of IRS Generator Application.
7. Implemented the code to compare two different versions of the IRS Document.
8. Implementation to convert the data in the DB to word document for the selected interface or the selected IRS commands.
Technologies utilized : Dot net 4.0, C#, WINFORMS, MICROSOFT Access DB.
Project 2 : MILAP web application
Description : It is CABS internal project for maintaining the database of employee & organization structure.
Roles & Responsibilities : Updating the MILAP server.
Technologies utilized : HTML and ASP.NET
Strengths :
** Highly comfortable in working with development of GUI based applications.
** Having experience in working with critical software’s and subsystems used in aircraft.
** Good in meeting deadlines and customer satisfaction.
** Willingness to learn new skills and abilities.
** Smart working and honesty.
** Very adaptive to new Environment.
Hobbies :
** Reading Books,
** Listening music
** Watching TV
Declaration :
I hereby declare that the above furnished information is true to the best of my knowledge.
Place : Bangalore.
Date :
(Sujata Naik)