Naresh Wadhane
Permanent address:
4/10, Contractor Building,
R. R. Roy Road,
Mumbai – 400 004
Maharashtra, India
Email: naresh.wadhane007 AT
Contact no: +91-9762168977
Career Objective :
Seeking a position to utilize my skills and abilities in the reputed Industry that offers professional growth while being resourceful, innovative and flexible
Profile Snapshot :
Dynamic professional with 9 months of exposure in Operations & Maintenance, Embedded System, Control & Instrumentation, Automation and Designing
Comprehensive knowledge and understanding in the areas like PLC, Automation design.
Efficient team player with keen interest in learning new things
An effective communicator with excellent relationship building & interpersonal skills
Academics :
Degree Year of passing Class
B.E. Electronics (Pune University) 2011 First Class
H.S.C. FEB 2006 First Class
S.S.C. MARCH 2004 First Class
Work Experience :
Dec’11- Aug’12: Varrsana ISPAT Ltd.,Gandhidham Gujarat GET – power plant
Highlights :
Attended Breakdown related electrical/instrumentation and PLC/Automation.
Worked in CCM/SMS where the actual molten metal is casting into 100*250 6/12 meter long M.S. and H.T. Billet Casting
Actively worked in a ‘Ladle Refine Furnace (LRF)’ where actual Molten Steel converted into High Tension Steel.
Attended shut-Down of continuous casting machine & steel melting furnaces (Inductotherm VIP panel).,overhead cranes,L.T. panels etc. In this period we have make shut-Down planning, execution.
Varrsana ispatltd is young & fast growing company;Our products are TMT bar’s,structure beams ,sponge iron,M.S. & H.T. billets; We also have Power Plant of ‘36’ MW unit & Communication tower Fabrication unit.
Projects worked on :
Mini Project:Microcontroller Based D.C. Motor Control Using Remote Control
Project:Microcontroller Based Automatic Breaking System Using Alcohol Sensor
The basic idea of the project is to compare the car speed with road speed limit transmitted by transmitter & if car speed found to be exceed road limit than an automatic braking has to be initiated to reduce the car speed below road limits in an attempt to avoid crashes due to over speeding.
Alcohol Sensor for use in Breathalyzer’s or in an alarm unit, to detect the presence of alcohol vapours. This sensor unit offers very high sensitivity.
Achievements :
Active Participated in Techunique-2008, a National Level Event as organizer & winning "Robosoccer" event.
Active Participated in Technoamrut-2011, a National Level Event as organizer & Participated in "Paper presentation, debat events”.
Two Week workshop of PLC,drives held at college level 2008.
one week workshop of Embedded (introduction & design)2009.
Presented a paper on Micro-RF Tag use in animal database a National level paper presentation contest in Techunique-2011 in college
IT Skills :
Computers SkillsLanguages : C, C++,Core Java,CCNA.
Networking Knowledge : Basic knowledge of Routers,Switches,Hubs,Active Directory,RIP,Eigrp,OSPF,OSI Layer,TCP/IP Protocol,Domain.
Hardware Knowledge:Troubleshooting of hardware and network related issues,detail knowledge of hardware
Operating Systems : Windows XP/Vista/7.
Interesting Field: Designing, VLSI, Embedded, Networking.
Mail Clients: Outlook 2003/2007/2010.
Personal Profile :
Date of Birth:May 01, 1989
Age:23 years
Interest and Activities: Football, Cricket, Playing Computer games & Music
Languages Known: English, Hindi & Marathi
I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is correct up to my knowledge and I bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars.
(Naresh M. wadhane)