Name : Sangapu Raghavendra
E-mail ID : raghavsangapu5 AT
Career Objectives :
I am eager to learn new technologies and apply my knowledge in the industry. Looking forward to enhancing my skills and learn more with practical experiences. Self-motivated and hardworking postgraduate seeking an opportunity to work in a challenging environment to prove my skills and utilize my knowledge of various technologies for the growth of the organization.
Technical Skill Set [Hands-on] :
Amazon web service :
EC2, Elastic IP, Auto scaling, S3, IAM, VPC.
Jenkins CI/CD :
** Maven pipeline integration, GIT server creation, deploying pipeline with docker.
Ansible Automation :
** Knowledge on ansible modules and playbooks, Tags, Roles, variables, Custom and userdefined Package installation through yaml file.
** Linux
** Basics of Linux, compression, Partition, installing packages, working with Vi editor.
Education Qualification :
** Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) Siddhartha Institute of engineering and technology, Hyderabad JNTU 2020 62%
** Higher Secondary (+2) Krishnaveni junior college,Khammam Board of secondary Education 2016 77%
** Secondary School Certificate Resonance info school, Khammam SSC 2014 9.2
Personal Detail :
DOB : 17/07/1999
Marital Status : Unmarried
Languages Known : [Read, Write, and Speak]: Telugu , Hindi , English
Projects :
Major :
Subject : Design and Analysis of Leaf Spring.
Team size : 4.
Description : For this purpose, I selected the leaf spring of Suzuki Mehran car for the study.
The main goal of this effort is to obtain optimal geometry for leaf spring with light weight and that can sustain external loading without failure. The analytical and numerical analysis were performed on the leaf spring under static loads. The values of stress and deflection obtained from numerical analysis were verified by analytical analysis while optimization was performed on the basis of the results obtained from static stress analysis to decrease the weight of the composite leaf spring while conserving its strength.
Declaration :
I do hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge
Date :
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