•To be a part of an organization where process of learning never ends. Everyday is a challenge to learn, perform and deliver service.
•A place which must provide concept for implementation of tasks.
•A place where initiative , smart work & learning through constructive criticism is always promoted.
(Academic qualification) -
•10th (2018):U.P. board
•12th (2020):U.P. board
(Work Experience) -
•Currently working in Gulermak-Sam India, kanpur metro joint venture knpcc-05 as a s/c supervision executive :
from December 02/12/2021
(Project) -
•Designing and construction of tunnel by shield (TBM) and construction of station by cut cover method between chunniganj to nayaganj station for underground work on chunniganj, Naveen market, badachauraha and nayaganj of Uttar Pradesh under (UPMRC)
(Job profile)-
•Responsible for procedures occuring in the time office.
•Responsible for the all records related to time office, such as: record of induction and working status .
•Maintenance of attendance on daily basis.
(Key skills) -
•Flexible for all shifts.
•Multitasking and time management