10th Govt. Sen, Sec., School Matahni, Hamirpur 67.7%
Laboratory Skills :
Biochemistry and Immunological techniques- Antigen and Antibody Interaction, ELISA
Microbial techniques- Spreading, Pouri
ng, Streaking, Gram’s Staining,etc.
Molecular Biology and recombinant DNA technology- DNA isolation, SDS-PAGE, Restriction Digestion, PCR, Agarose Gel Electrophoresis, western blotting etc.
Bioinformatics- Softwares such as ,BLAST
Plant tissue culture- Anther culture, embryo culture, callus.
Language proficiency/Communication skills :
Good communication skill in English, Hindi.
Good presentation skill(power point presentation and documentation)
Extracurricular activities/interests :
Hobbies : Enhancing my skill in my free time, cricket,chess.
Personal Details :
Nationality : Indian
Declaration :
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.