1. Microscopic Methods ( Gram staining , ZN staining ,Albert staining , Kinyouns staining Wet mounts for Parasites and fungi ,KOH, Indian Ink staining M ethylene blue staining ,LCB preparation)
2. Routine bacterial culture and sensitivity testing ( Vitek 2, Kirby Bauer Disc diffusion Method) for all Samples
3. Blood culture and sensitivity testing ( Bactec 9050, bactec FX 40 bact Alert 120 Automated system)
4. Conventional identification of bacteria (based on biochemicals and serological agglutinations)
ELISA ( Dengue NS1,Dengue IgM/IgG, HEV IgM , Amoebic Serology , HIV , HSV 1 & 2 IgM/IgG, ANA) 6. CLIA ( Chemiluminiscent Enzyme Immunoassay )Based investigation on Architect Abbott (TORC IgM/IgG , HAV IgM, Anti Hbs ,HbsAg HIV HCV )
7. Nephlometer based assays ( Minineph ,binding site UK) ( CRP, RF, ASO, C3, C4 Complement)
8. Routine Serological Tests ( widal, Typhoid Igm/IgG, VDRL,RPR/Trust Syphilis , TPHA, MP Antigen ,Cryptococcal antigen ,weil Felix Test , c.difficile Leteral flow assay, Rota virus test , Chikunguniya Igm and other agglutinations and serological assay