Ø Accounts & Records To Maintained Under GST-Stock Register,Input tax credit availed, Output tax payable and paid, Such other particulars as be prescribed.
Ø Return Submission-GSTR1,GSTR3B Upload and Submit all return using secure data network.
Ø Inputs Tax Credit Reconciliation-Match GSTR2A to Minimize differences to maximize set of.
Ø Vender Tax Credit Reconciliation-Indentify track and communicate on vender wise input tax disallowances.
Ø Tax Ledger-Maintain, review, reconcile tax ledger.
Ø HSN/SAC code-Co-ordination with Purchases.
And IT deptt. Maintain Item wise, service wise correct HSN/SAC code in ERP.
Ø Preparation of various reports & summery for Management Information Systems [MIS] i.e.